About ArchiCAD Roi
Graphisoft's Archicad ROI calculator lets you calculate the estimated benefits of using Archicad® based on your company's data. The calculator focuses on the financial aspects and does not reflect less-tangible benefits like customer satisfaction, the winning of new projects and employee satisfaction - all of which are also hugely important.
What is Return-on-Investment?
ROI analysis compares the anticipated gains from an investment against the cost of the investment, and supports decision-makers in evaluating investment potential.
Basic Formulas
graphisoft ArchiCAD global ROI Survey
This annual survey measures the efficiency contribution Archicad plays within the architectural practice. The survey consists of questions covering all aspects of the implementation and usage of Archicad.
Over 3,000 architectural practices worldwide responded in early-2005, and of these, 512 complete survey returns now form the basis of our ROI calculator. The survey provides a clear view and valuable data surrounding the implementation period, productivity gain and profit attributed to ArchiCAD.